Details that cannot be ignored when buying office furniture
In work, comfort is directly related to the efficiency of work. People in the office work at least eight hours a day, all of which are operated on office furniture, so it is conceivable that the comfort of office furniture is important to people, so Many office decoration do not only pay attention to the so-called eye view, but also pay more attention to comfort. So how to buy comfortable office furniture? 1. Most of the wooden furniture on the market now have wood-based panel components, except for all-solid wood furniture. Therefore, it is important to smell the smell when purchasing. If it makes people cry and sneeze, it means that the amount of formaldehyde released from the furniture is relatively high, there may be a problem, do not buy it. 2. Consumers ask the dealer for a quality inspection report to see if the formaldehyde emission from the furniture is within the range allowed by the standard. The indoor decoration and decoration materials limit the harmfu...